Nathan completed his Scoutmaster conference and board of review for Second Class, so he has advanced in rank from Tenderfoot. He has also completed all of the requirements for First Class, but he decided to hold off on those reviews for one simple reason -- he wants a chance to actually wear his Second Class badge.
Upon reaching the Scout rank (which is mostly a formality after joining), Scouts are allowed to work on Tenderfoot, Second Class, and first Class requirements simultaneously. These ranks all consist of "Scouting skills", so they do not have to be learned and signed off in any particular order. However, the ranks still have to be earned in order. So, even though Nathan completed all of the requirements for First Class before he finished Second Class, he could not receive that rank until Second Class was completed. This opens up the possibility of a Scout earning two of those ranks or even all three ranks simultaneously.
He will go for his reviews next week so that he can reach First Class, but for this week, even if it's mostly symbolic, he is Second Class. And I couldn't be prouder.